The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf is a regional organization created during the Iran-Iraq war 1980-1988 by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Behind the creation was their limited military capability in Arabian Gulf instable security environment.
The decision to unify the armed forces of the Gulf corporation council states is not in the horizon of the near future. The peninsula shield forces formed in 1985 maybe a step towards that dream. GCC military is in need of a common GCC military strategy, and In the Arabian gulfs turbulence security environment We need to match one military strategy with our political aims in order to deter attacks and win the coming threats.
Forming Peninsula shield forces was a historic juncture in the march of the GCC toward self fulfillment and military competence, the shield is comprised of infantry, armor, artillery, and combat support elements from each of the GCC countries. The Shield developed gradually trying to become a deterrent force, especially following the signing of the GCC Joint Defense Treaty. Short comes of the shield was most notably during Kuwait occupation 1991. Political limitations have been the greatest hindrance to the Shield development, and other challenges include material readiness, combat system and combat support interoperability, and appropriate manning.
Chief among the GCC problems may be that we haven’t identified the limitations of our military cooperation to achieve our objective .To develop our capabilities as a military force, GCC states need a common GCC military strategy .The meeting of the GCC Chiefs of Staff is a true representation of military cooperation among GCC member countries, but never include in their meetings agenda the need for a common military strategy. The regional developments and world transformations are in which the GCC defensive military strategy must be based on
The military strategy for GCC must maintain organic interaction with Arab security, as well as our treaties with our allies. Periodic review of the military strategy is a must to cope with the latest developments and to achieve goals in strengthening the security, stability and prosperity of our countries
All GCC states resources should be dedicated under a fully-integrated military strategy taking into account the co-relationship between building military force and supporting and expanding areas of development, The common strategy should take into account Arab and international security, hence participating positively in many Arab and international missions and maintaining peace and security all over the world under the United Nations flag.
Laying the foundations for a common GCC military strategy for the armed forces of member countries is a necessary step towards military integration.
The decision to unify the armed forces of the Gulf corporation council states is not in the horizon of the near future. The peninsula shield forces formed in 1985 maybe a step towards that dream. GCC military is in need of a common GCC military strategy, and In the Arabian gulfs turbulence security environment We need to match one military strategy with our political aims in order to deter attacks and win the coming threats.
Forming Peninsula shield forces was a historic juncture in the march of the GCC toward self fulfillment and military competence, the shield is comprised of infantry, armor, artillery, and combat support elements from each of the GCC countries. The Shield developed gradually trying to become a deterrent force, especially following the signing of the GCC Joint Defense Treaty. Short comes of the shield was most notably during Kuwait occupation 1991. Political limitations have been the greatest hindrance to the Shield development, and other challenges include material readiness, combat system and combat support interoperability, and appropriate manning.
Chief among the GCC problems may be that we haven’t identified the limitations of our military cooperation to achieve our objective .To develop our capabilities as a military force, GCC states need a common GCC military strategy .The meeting of the GCC Chiefs of Staff is a true representation of military cooperation among GCC member countries, but never include in their meetings agenda the need for a common military strategy. The regional developments and world transformations are in which the GCC defensive military strategy must be based on
The military strategy for GCC must maintain organic interaction with Arab security, as well as our treaties with our allies. Periodic review of the military strategy is a must to cope with the latest developments and to achieve goals in strengthening the security, stability and prosperity of our countries
All GCC states resources should be dedicated under a fully-integrated military strategy taking into account the co-relationship between building military force and supporting and expanding areas of development, The common strategy should take into account Arab and international security, hence participating positively in many Arab and international missions and maintaining peace and security all over the world under the United Nations flag.
Laying the foundations for a common GCC military strategy for the armed forces of member countries is a necessary step towards military integration.
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